Monday, January 12, 2009

Back in Hong Kong: just before I leave

Just before I leave Hong Kong, I just had to have another juk hit. During my juk googling, I found another place in Central which reportedly has good juk, even better than Sang Kee, so I rushed off to Hong Kong Station to get rid of my luggage first thing in the morning to make sure I had time for a visit.

The place is 羅富記 (Law Fu Kee), and there are two branches, one on Queen's Road Central, and also one on Lyndhurst Terrace. The former branch I have walked past many times before, and there is always a huge stink of won ton noodles flowing out, and also for novelty value I went to the Lyndhurst Terrace branch. As the menu boasts, it is an expert in juk and noodles:

And very extensive the menu was too. But I was lazy and stuck to what I knew - another bowl of fish ball and beef juk!!! I think this was a little cheaper than Sang Kee, HK$26 a bowl, and there was the added bonus that I was sitting right next to the juk chef. This is normally quite a disturbing experience in Hong Kong cafes, as you get to realise how extremely dirty the kitchen areas are, and true enough, the chef was wearing wellies, and I'm not sure his fingernails have seen a nailbrush recently. Ah well, at least you can see that he was making the fishballs from fresh!

And here was the masterpiece:

The verdict? You could definitely taste the MSG in the juk, I was reaching for my water bottle literally as I walked out of the door. I liked the fishballs, but the taste of orange peel was a little bit overpowering. Still, the beef was very very good.

I also had an enjoyable time actually at the airport for once! First, I spotted a famous Hong Kong actor there in the lounge with me, 元華 (Yuen Wah), who was in Kung Fu Hustle, but more impressively was Bruce Lee's stunt double in Fist of Fury and Enter the Dragon (I obviously just looked all this up on wiki :p). But more importantly, the Dragonair lounge actually has a noodle stand and you can get wonton and fishball noodles for free!!! You have no idea how excited that made me. Hong Kong airport is just ridiculous nice (there is also free wireless in the entire place - Heathrow T5, leave and learn!!), looking forward to my being back there!

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