Sunday, July 27, 2008

In vogue packed lunches

My usual Sunday afternoon activities is to make a packed lunch for work (I lead such an exciting life), and given my attempt to be more healthy (i.e. no more packed lunches of cheesy pasta bakes), I thought I'd do something salady.

There is a chain called Kosmos in Hong Kong, another one of these juice bars which are suspiciously healthy. But they did do a nice brown rice salad that I would sometimes treat myself to. I liked the nuttiness of the brown rice vs. the sweetness of the other ingredients. Here is my attempt to recreate it:

'Biodynamnic' Rice Salad (2-3 servings)
(I keep noticing that everything is starting to be called 'biodynamic' - pastas, cakes, eggs - it will probably start to be as annoying as the 'organic' label - this is quite an annoying healthy salad, so the label seems appropriate, haha)

2 mugfuls of cooked brown rice
3/4 mugful of sweetcorn
3/4 mugful of red pepper, chopped
1 tin tuna
1/2 finely chopped red onion
Juice of 1/2 lemon
3 times the olive oil to lemon juice
A few drops of sesame oil

1. Whilst brown rice is still slightly warm, mix with sweetcorn, pepper, and tuna
2. Make a dressing with the olive oil, lemon, sesame oil
3. Mix into the rice mixture (I think the rice soaks up the dressing more if a little warm)

Ta-da! (not that attractive in my plastic lunch tupperware...)

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